Women's English
What They Say |
What They Mean |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
Maybe |
No |
I'm sorry. |
You'll be sorry. |
We need |
I want |
It's your decision |
The correct decision should be
obvious by now. |
Do what you want |
You'll pay for this later. |
We need to talk |
I need to complain |
Sure... go ahead |
I don't want you to. |
I'm not upset |
Of course I'm upset, you moron! |
You're ... so manly |
You need a shave and you sweat a
lot. |
You're certainly attentive tonight |
Is sex all you ever think about? |
Be romantic, turn out the lights |
I have flabby thighs. |
This kitchen is so inconvenient |
I want a new house. |
I want new curtains |
and carpeting, and furniture, and
wallpaper..... |
Hang the picture there |
No, I mean hang it there! |
I heard a noise |
I noticed you were almost asleep. |
Do you love me? |
I'm going to ask for something
expensive. |
How much do you love me? |
I did something today you're
really not going to like. |
I'll be ready in a minute. |
Kick off your shoes and find a
good game on T.V. |
Is my butt fat? |
Tell me I'm beautiful. |
You have to learn to communicate. |
Just agree with me. |
Are you listening to me!? |
Too late, you're dead. |
Was that the baby? |
Why don't you get out of bed and
walk him until he goes to sleep. |
I'm not yelling! |
Yes I am yelling because I think
this is important. |

"I'm hungry." = I'm hungry.
"I'm sleepy." = I'm sleepy.
"I'm tired." = I'm tired.
"Do you want to go to a movie?" =
I'd eventually like to have sex with you.
"Can I take you out to dinner?" =
I'd eventually like to have sex with you.
"Can I call you sometime?" = I'd
eventually like to have sex with you.
"May I have this dance?" = I'd
eventually like to have sex with you.
"Nice dress!" = Nice cleavage!
"You look tense, let me give you a
massage." = I want to fondle you.
"What's wrong?" = What meaningless
self-inflicted psychological trauma are you going through now?
"What's wrong?" = I guess sex
tonight is out of the question.
"I'm bored." = Do you want to have
"I love you." = Let's have sex
"I love you, too." = Okay, I said
it...we'd better have sex now!
"Yes, I like the way you cut your
hair." = I liked it better before.
"Yes, I like the way you cut your
hair." = $50 and it doesn't look that much different!
"Let's talk." = I am trying to
impress you by showing that I am a deep person and maybe then
you'd like to have sex with
"Will you marry me?" = I want to
make it illegal for you to have sex with other guys.
and FINALLY... (while shopping) "I like
that one better." = Just pick ANY dress and let's go home!
Application For Permission To
Date My Daughter
This application will be incomplete
and rejected unless accompanied by a
complete financial statement, job
history, lineage, and current medical
report from your physician.
Name: |
Date of Birth: |
Height: |
Weight: |
IQ: |
GPA: |
Security Number: |
License Number: |
Boy Scout
Rank: |
Telephone: |
Home Address: |
City: |
State: |
Zip: |
- Do you have one male and one female
parent? ____
If "No", explain:
- Number of years your parents have
been married: ____
Any brothers or sisters? ____
Are they normal? ____
- Do you own or have access to a van?
A truck with oversize tires? ____
A waterbed? ____
- Do you have an earring, nose ring,
or belly button ring? ____
- Do you have a tattoo? ____
If you have answered YES to #3, #4 or
#5, discontinue application and leave
- In fifty words or less, what does
Late mean to you?
- In fifty words or less, what does
Don't touch my daughter mean to you?
- In fifty words or less, what does
Abstinence mean to you?
- In fifty words or less, what does
Real Pain mean to you?
- Church/Temple you
attend: ____________________________
How often do you
attend: ____________________________
- When would be the best time to
interview your mother, father and
priest/rabbi? ____________________________
- Please fill in the blanks:
- If I were shot, the last place
on my body I would want wounded
would be
my ____________________________
- If I were beaten, the last bone
I would want broken would be
my ____________________________
- A woman's place is in
the ____________________________
- The one thing I hope this
application doesn't ask
is ____________________________
- When I meet a girl, the one
thing I always notice about her
is ____________________________
Note: If answer begins with "T"
or "A", discontinue and leave
premises - keeping your head low and
running in a serpentine fashion is
- What do you want to be if you
grow up?
I swear that all the above information is
correct to the best of my knowledge under
penalty of death, bodily harm,
dismemberment, torture or mental abuse.
Signature of applicant
Signature of father
Signature of mother
Signature of priest/rabbi
Signature of State Representative
Thank you for your interest, and it had
better be genuine and non-sexual. Please
allow 4-6 years for processing. You will be
contacted in writing if approved. If denied,
please never apply again. Don't call me,
I'll call you.
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